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The Benefits of Empowering Your Direct Mail Team with New Technology

Written by Brandon Beatty | May 3, 2021 2:00:00 PM
Your Direct Marketing operations team is crucial to the execution, delivery and success of your enterprise’s Direct Mail campaigns. Delivering complex, high-volume mailings that are expected to drive top-line revenue requires heavy lifting at every stage of campaign planning, execution, proofing and delivery.

While Direct Marketing managers, coordinators and associates are heavily involved in every aspect of the Direct Mail process and are overseeing the 10s of millions of dollars in marketing investment, they may not be satisfied with their day-to-day responsibilities and overall role within your organization.

Reasons Your Direct Mail Team May Feel Undervalued

The complexity of running Direct Mail campaigns requires constant employee engagement, but that unfortunately doesn’t translate to true employee satisfaction. The manual, human-intensive process of getting mail to the intended recipients’ doors leads to team members focusing the majority of their time on several repetitive and menial tasks. This can lead to them feeling undervalued and worried that their potential is being wasted.

Tasks such as going back and forth with vendors and internal teams on formats and costs, aggregating recipient and offer data, managing creative revisions, proofing and manual reporting on past campaigns are not only monotonous, but frustrating given the nature of balancing so many internal and external resources.

In addition, the current process of Direct Mail campaign execution can increase stress among team members. Manual, labor-intensive planning, execution and quality control leads to a high potential for error. Knowing that one possible mistake can compromise campaign results or cost the company a significant amount of money is a heavy burden to bear on a daily basis, especially when Direct Mail budgets are tied to success metrics.

Direct Marketing teams can also become frustrated watching Digital teams reap the benefits of technology investments made to increase the personalization, deployment and reporting for digital channels – while Direct teams limp along in a low-tech/no-tech environment.


How Digital Technology Unlocks True Employee Potential and Satisfaction

Investing in cutting-edge Direct Marketing technology that leverages automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) alleviates the manual nature of marketing operations, vendor management and campaign execution. In turn, this empowers your team by allowing them to focus more energy on enabling high-impact Direct Marketing strategies like multivariate testing and hyper-personalization.

Innovative Direct Marketing platforms allow staff to collaborate and easily plan and deploy a personalized Direct Mail campaign, or access past campaigns and apply updated variable data and content to repurpose successful strategies.

Further, campaigns can be fully-automated and triggered based on business rules and customer activity and integrated with data and customer engagement platforms for rapid deployment. Overall, projects can be executed faster and more often – at a lower cost and higher quality. With approval roles and notifications, team members will be immediately notified when a specific step requires their review or approval, allowing campaigns to move through workflows in a more streamlined and consistent manner.

Advanced technology also leverages the power of machine learning and AI to absorb the manual quality control and vendor management responsibilities related to data operations, content personalization and proofing. This significantly reduces the time spent on project management and vendor instruction to increase quality and speed to market.

Each of the above-stated applications improves the in-office satisfaction of your team by alleviating the pressures that come with being responsible for catching every possible mistake with data, creative, offers and proofs. Technology also greatly reduces the level of effort and increases the accuracy of reporting on Direct Mail investments.

A cutting-edge Direct Marketing platform can also improve work-life balance by enabling cloud collaboration. This supports distributed teams and allows staff to work remotely in a secure way. As much of your staff is made up of professionals who have families, this is a much-appreciated incentive.

When it comes to Direct Marketing, an investment in technology is an investment in your staff. Direct Marketing automation streamlines most of the manual planning, marketing operations and quality control aspects of Direct Mail campaign execution, allowing marketing organizations to focus their team on testing, personalization and customer experience rather than project management, content creation and supply chain coordination.

Empowering your staff to strategize around omni-channel marketing and explore the delivery of interactive Direct Mail experiences conveys that you, as an executive, value them. In addition, working on higher-impact projects that can ultimately increase ROI instills a greater sense of accomplishment.

You can learn about how Direct Marketing automation technology improves overall Direct Mail operations in the eBook The Drive to Digitize.

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